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Cash Register

Cash Register Cash Register

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Cash Register Publisher's Description

Are you just looking for a Windows cash register software for you shop? Cash Register provides all of the functionalities that you need to keep track of your inventory and sell your products using your computers as a cash register/inventory system. This desktop version runs on Microsoft Windows Vista or higher.
Features Include: - Cash Register: Calculate transaction totals just like a regular cash register machine.
- Barcode scanner: Allow you to enter your product by using barcode scanner machine.
- Custom Tax rates: Allow you to enter your state/country tax rate.
- Product Inventory: You can keep track of what you are selling.
- Reporting: Show sales report by day, month or year.
- Charting: Show inventory and profit by month or year.
- User friendly: Easy and simple user interface.

What's New in Version of Cash Register

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Business > Applications
This product is also listed in: Accounting & Billing Software


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